Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 of 37 Communities Hit Target

Only three of Massachusetts' 37 municipalities have met the state target that at least 10% of their stock should be subsidized for housing for low to moderate income families.

Full text: Boston Globe, Dec 23, 1990

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hibernia construction reveals little of the past

ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. - If the ghosts of Inuit or Beothuk Indians are haunting the Hibernia construction site, so far they're being quiet about it. The construction site near Sunnyside, Nfld., about 160 kilometres northwest of St. John's, will house a community of workers for five years. They'll build a giant concrete base for Canada's largest offshore-oil project. In the past, digs at two communities on either side of the project, Stock Cove and Frenchman's Island, have revealed a range of groups - from Maritime archaic Indians to intermediate Inuit groups to more recent aboriginals like the Beothuks.

Full text: The Vancouver Sun, Dec 24, 1990

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Demutualization Getting a Second Look After Equitable

Equitable Life Assurance Society's announcement of demutualization raised some long-debated questions about the merits of the stock company form. Industry executives maintain that access to capital is the major factor in the decision to demutualize. Capital needs, financial flexibility, and a blurring of sectors of the financial services industry are all reasons companies might consider demutualization, according to Moody's Investors Service's L. Antony Fisher. When the 1988 New York demutualization law first passed, it was thought that it would be more attractive to small and medium-sized mutual companies, but none stepped forward. Equitable will be the first company to test the appropriateness of the provisions of that law. According to Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson's Hal Barron, the benefits of demutualization include an increased ability to attract capable management by providing stock options and creating a more aggressive management attitude.

Full text: National Underwriter, Dec 24, 1990

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Airline woes won't ground UAL value

Q-My wife and I are retirees and have been holding 50 shares of UAL Inc. for some time. Do you think we should sell this stock? Hold your shares of UAL Inc. (around $100.25 a share, New York Stock Exchange), the holding company for United Airlines, because, no matter what happens with the economy, it will remain a global carrier with an excellent reputation, said Julius Maldutis, analyst with Salomon Brothers. Buy shares of W.R. Grace Co. (around $24.87, NYSE), the chemical, energy and consumer products firm, because of its 7 percent yield, reasonable price and lack of downside risk, said Stuart Pulvirent, analyst with Shearson Lehman Brothers.

Full text: Chicago Tribune (pre-1997 Fulltext), Dec 24, 1990

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